Thursday, March 05, 2015Dear Me,
I have so much to tell you. So many things I wish someone would've said. So many things I wish you would've known. So here it is.
Be happy with who you are. Don't judge yourself by looking at the mirror and picking at the parts that you think are your flaws. Be happy with how God made you. Don't worry about not being tall enough, not being skinny enough, or not being pretty enough. Love yourself for who you are, for all that you are, exactly how God made you. And trust me, someone will come along who will wholeheartedly love you for just the way you are.
Listen. Don't be so stubborn and hardheaded, even though I know how hard that is for you. I know you think they're just trying to tell you what to do, but they're actually really looking out for you. We really do have your best interest at heart. They don't want to see you get hurt. They don't want to see you cry. they don't want you to make those mistakes. So the least you can do is listen. Don't shut them out. Listen.
Don't judge other people. I know that's hard for you, but at least try. You're not going to always have it together like you do right now, so be kind to others who don't have it together all the time. Help them or simply just be there for them. Everyone is different and just because they don't think like you doesn't mean their life route is wrong or their decision is wrong. To each their own.
Sometimes, it's not worth it. You know what I'm talking about. The drama. The pain. The emotional roller coaster. Figure out how to let it go and just move forward. Especially the ones or things that hurt you. It doesn't do anything, but eat away at your soul. I promise better things will come. Believe it or not, somehow, everything will be okay.
Don't freak out over friendships that are lost. They are meant to happen that way. Not everyone stays in your life forever and you can't force that. You'll meet new people. you'll have new friends. And like I've already said it's going to be okay.
Cherish your family. You'll do a better job at it later, but try to start earlier. Hang out with your parents more. Show your parents that you care. I already know that you do and I know that you love them, but they need to see it. Go over their house, call them, text them, and FaceTime them. Call your sister more often. Someday she won't be as near as you want her to be so don't take her for granted. Your sister's kids will grow up fast and you'll feel like you missed out on a lot. But just try to be there as much as you can. Take lots of pictures with them and make lots of memories. Someday you're going to have in-laws. Be kind to them. Love them like your own.
Lastly, love yourself. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are honestly doing the best you can... so don't beat yourself up. It's okay to cry and be sad, but don't be distraught for long. Get up and move forward. Life is not always going to be perfect, but happiness is always a choice. Jesus loves you. Your family loves you. Your friends love you. So you should too.
Be happy. Stay positive.