Music Monday!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Happy Monday everyone! Well I finally finished a song & I wanted to share it with you! Like I mentioned, I wrote most of this song back in September, but I never got around to finalizing the feel & vibe of it all. Being purposeful in my achieving my goals for the year, I sat down and just laid it all out!

This song stemmed from a time where I was struggling with my faith in Jesus. I don't want to say that I doubted him, but I just got so busy asking why things were the way they were instead of just trusting in Him. Basically, I got caught up. In this life, and all those questions that you're not suppose to ask God, I did.

Then, in almost like an epiphany (which is sometimes how God speaks to me), I said to myself, "I just have to believe." So even if I wasn't in the mood to, I started telling myself, "I believe in Jesus. I believe he's gonna come through for me. I believe he'll give me peace..." and so on and so forth. I heard a good friend say that sometimes when you're not feeling it, you have to speak it into existence. Whether you need joy, hope, faith, or peace, you have to say it. You have to proclaim it. And if you say it like you mean it, you'll believe it.

So even if you don't feel like it, make a choice to believe. Even if it has to be a daily (or even hourly) choice, just put your trust in Him. It is amazing what God can do for you, if you simply let Him. And I am absolutely living proof of that.

Hope you guys love it. Have a great week, friends!
-Gardenia Rose

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