Taking Inventory & Making Goals.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Whoa! It's 2016 already?! Looks like my blog took a little one month hiatus there. That's ok, because I'm back!

I wanted to blog and list the goals I have for myself this year. But then I was listening to a sermon on SoundCloud from Pastor Dawn a few days ago, and she talked about taking inventory of everything God has done for you in 2015. I decided to really take that to heart. More than just make goals for 2016, I want to highlight some things that I really want to thank God for.

This year God gave me A higher level of stability in my job. I got a job title increase, a pay increase, and full health benefits. He also did all that for my husband too. That in itself is so much to be thankful for. Now, I'm not saying this to boast and be like, "look at me! I'm doing so well for myself!" because that is definitely not the case. I have so much more room to grow so this is not about that at all. I'm genuinely thankful to the Lord for providing continuously for my family. 

Another thing I want to be thankful and acknowledge God for his goodness is reaching (and surpassing) my second year anniversary with Lorenzo. I say this not to be cheesy, but because being married is a hard thing. Marriage means not making any decisions on your own, considering somebody else besides yourself at all times, which is not always easy to do. Lorenzo and I are so different, culturally and in our upbringing, that there's so... Many things to learn. But when I see divorce happening all around me (especially because we got married in our early 20s), I'm honestly thankful that we're together, we're able to communicate, and we're able to be together.

Keeping it short and concise, (because this can go on and on) I'm really thankful for my parents. They do so much and are so selfless... I literally can't. Being with them for week (we were in Texas to visit my sister for the New Year) allowed me to remember their warm and unconditional love for not only me, but my husband as well. I say "allowed me to remember" because I don't see them much as I want to and should. They're so busy and Lorenzo's schedule is so irregular that it becomes difficult to see them sometimes. But being with them was so refreshing and I'm so thankful for them. More importantly, I'm so thankful to God for keeping them healthy. I definitely do not take that for granted. 

With that said, I want to make some goals for myself. I know January has already started, but it's never too late to make goals right? This year I wanted to stray away from the typical ones and really take the time to make specific goals for myself.

1. Personal Organization
I know that sounds ridiculous, but I definitely need it. Finances, taxes, official documents, and all that grown up stuff- it all needs to be organized. Right now I have two boxes that keep everything, but I want them to be physically and digitally in its right place. I know this may not be on everyone's list, but I want to start now before it crazier with future possibilities, if you know what I mean. lol. ;)

2. Further Education
Being out of school for almost three (oh wow) years, the brain can get rusty. I want to refresh my mind in the things that I've learned. Being in college, with so many things going on, sometimes I was just forced to go through the motions, do the homework, show up for class, and take the test. I want to relearn and really take the time to soak the information in. So with business and nursing, I just want to reeducate myself again this year.

3. Songwriting
Not everybody knows this about me, but for the majority of my teenage years, I wrote songs as a form of expressing myself. But something happened when I turned 21, and the writing just ceased. I don't know if it was due to the combination of school being so hectic, being in a serious relationship, and working, but it all just stopped. Every few years I'd write one song, but never anything more than that. A couple months ago, my husband's best friend asked me to collaborate with him on a couple songs and I realize that I truly miss songwriting. Being able to express myself through music is something that I haven't done in a long time, but I'm excited to delve into it back again.

So there you have it! Hope this inspires you to not only make goals for 2016, but also to look back on 2015 and focus on the positives of what that year has given you.

Excited to excel in the year ahead!
-Gardenia Rose

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