Feel Good Friday: March.

Friday, March 11, 2016

It's been awhile and I've been so busy doing other things, but I honestly can't complain. Life is wonderful and I am most definitely thankful for it! :)
  • I started going to Wednesday night bible study. Yay! Since getting to church on Sunday mornings have been a struggle for my family, I decided to start attending the young adults (which I sort of still am?) Bible study group that meets Wednesday nights from 7-9pm. It's still a sacrifice for me because I love my sleep and it's in the middle of the week, but I'm glad I started on this track. There is truly nothing like spending time with people who love Jesus as much as you do. I am truly blessed that I have people that I can call my second family and that have the passion and love for God.
  • I finished writing a song. As part of my goals this year, I wanted to get back to songwriting and channeling my creative juices per se. As they say, If you don't use it, you lose it. Right? So I started writing this song back in September, but I couldn't figure out the vibe and music flow I wanted. Thanks to GarageBand on my iPad, I set aside time and figured out the chords, the flow, the beat, and all those logistics! All that's left is to lay my voice track and it's finished.  Maybe a little #MusicMonday for the blog is in store? ;) You'll have to wait and see!
  • I worked out four times this week. To some that may not be big, but for me it's an accomplishment! This month, that's my focus. I figured if I work out the majority of the week, I would be working out the majority of the month! Blogilates taught me that you have to set a non-weight related goal. It helps you focus on the process rather the results. And once you  find your workout niche, exercising becomes enjoyable and stress-relieving, and no longer a task. She recently wrote a blog as to why she doesn't step on scales which I love (even if I still do it every now and then). So you should check that out!
  • I started reading a book. Books are not really my thing. (I know, it's sad.) But this one I love. It's really teaching me a lot. As part of my goal to active gain more knowledge, this is really helping me. To quote Bruce Wayne (Yes, I'm a geek. Lol I'm aware.) in The Dark Knight, "I'm playing this one pretty close to the chest." So the book remains untitled for now, but as I get deeper into it, I'll share what I've learned. I'm pretty excited about it, because it's still new territory for me. But it came highly recommended so I'm delving into it like crazy!
Hope you week continues to be blessed. If you haven't already, take some time to write a list of the good things. Big or little, they are still good. Stay grateful and make a choice to be happy.
-Gardenia Rose

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