Spring Update!

Monday, May 02, 2016

Whoaaaa... We're already halfway through this season & I haven't been here since it started! Well hello again! As you know spring is a season for new things to bloom (see what did there?) and blossoming in life is what it's all about! So here's some updates as of late!(Get ready... it's a long one.)

Doggie Things! I went on a long hike with Simba! He's a little one (5 pounds to be exact) & I'm not exactly the outdoorsy type, but I decided why not?! My little fam and I usually like to be homebodies, but the day was so beautiful, we couldn't waste it!

A photo posted by Gardenia Rose (@gardeniarose) on

We hiked Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve. A few friends and I joined Healthy Spot for their Howls and Hikes event. Our fam went along with Camille/Cea, Skylar, Skylar's dog, Nauhla, and Simba's new friend Mufasa and their parents! Yup, we had a Lion King pack happening with the doggies! We even met an older pom named BonBon & three poms formed a little pom squad!

It had been awhile since Simba and I trekked a long hike, but we've been jogging a lot more so I think he was ready for it! The hike was about 3 miles and we took time. The place was just amazing and day was perfect.

We topped it off by taking him to the Huntington Dog Beach for the first time and he LOVED it! I mean I could go on and talk about it... but I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves.

Then on April 7, Simba turned two! I didn't want to go FULL dog mom mode, but I felt like a big balloon and a big cookie wouldn't be too crazy, so that's what I decided to go with! He ate the cookie over 5 days because there was no way I'd let him eat all that on his own!

A photo posted by Hey, I'm Simba! 🦁🐾 (@thesimbadiaries) on

Also, I ran a 5k! I know that's not a lot, but something better than nothing right? A few friends and I did the Bubble Run in Irvine and it was so much fun! I was so worried about the dark clouds, but it ended up working in our favor. It was a little cold, but beyond that, it was just fine! There was a little bubble party afterwards and of course we had to get in on it!

A photo posted by Gardenia Rose (@gardeniarose) on

Another thing I've been doing a lot more lately is that I started going to a bible study for young adults! Since I don't go to church on Sundays too often lately, I've made a point to sacrifice my Wednesday nights for my spiritual betterment. And let me tell you, it has most definitely paid of. It was made more bold in my faith and more trusting in God. One thing I had the pleasure of taking part in (which was sort of what roped me in) was sharing our life's story. To be able to do share about the things that God has done for me (and spared me from) on an intimate level was such a liberating experience. And for someone younger to benefit & learn from my past experiences... I mean, that's all I, as a big sister, could ever want.

Last thing I wanted to share... I lead worship at a women's conference in Prescott, Arizona. Let me tell you, that was nerve-wracking for me. I love worshiping and helping someone lead other into worship, but to do that all on my own was terrifying for me. I was so rusty because it's been awhile... but by the the grace of God and his light through me, I was able to do it.

A photo posted by Gardenia Rose (@gardeniarose) on

Thing happened, that I hadn't witnessed since I was little. The presence of God was so real and tangible that you could feel his embrace. I was hesitant to go, but so glad I did. I take such joy in using my talents for God's glory and to help others know Him better. So with that I leave with you with this...

"In the work you are doing, work the best you can.
Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for people."
Colossians 3:23

-Gardenia Rose

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