Boating in the Spring.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

On the first Saturday of Spring, our parents, Lorenzo, and I decided to go boating. It was only for two hours, but we had such a fun time. It's rare that both are parents just get to bond and without... other distractions.

This was actually our Christmas gift to them, but the dates never seemed to line up with everyone's schedules until March... which was perfect.

It was 75 degrees and windy. The sun was beaming, but with the waves and the breeze, it was actually a little chilly. The water was blue, it wasn't crowded, and the weather was literally just right. We brought sandwiches from Subway, a fruit plate, nuts, crackers, and just other stuff to snack on (like girl scout cookies lol).

It was funny because both our dads did not want to drive the boat at all, but our moms were like "oh yeah, of course!" So each mom got a turn, steering the boat and full on living. We played some old school jams on the radio and dance on the boat, just simply having fun. 

I really enjoy hanging out with our parents, enjoying each other's company and making memories. That's what it's all about.

One day, time will come and God will choose for them to be with Him. (I think I've said this before...) I know that sounds kinda morbid, but it's true. But if there's anything I've learned being a pastor's daughter and exposed to death as much as I have, it's to celebrate the ones you love... while they're alive. While they're here. While you can with them.

So I do. I'm so happy and blessed to have them in my life. I love them so much.

-Gardenia Rose

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