Busy Bee: Bridal Shower, Date Night, & SundayFunDay.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Oh wow! I've been out of touch for more than a week now! A lot has been happening and will be happening in the next couple months. (So many activities!) Well here's what I've been up to...

Monica's Bridal Shower
As you know (or maybe not lol), one of my dear friends is getting married in June! I attended her bridal shower and it was so much fun! I haven't been to a bridal shower in awhile, so it was such a joy to be there! It's nice to be in a room filled with people who all love one person so much, you know? Anyway, she has such a girly and yet vintage style, which worked to perfection with her rose garden theme. Everything was so cute! And I wish I took more pictures, but I was too into "being present" that it escaped me. This lady has such a knack for party planning and decor. All the details were so perfect. If you wanna see more of her cute bridal shower photos, follow her on Instagram: @monzii_ruiz!

SaturDate Night
Since it's been a week or so that we haven't gone out on a date with just two of us (we kinda like to order & stay in), we decided a casual date night was what the doctor ordered (or more like what I asked for... but you know, same difference. lol.). We went to our usual sushi spot near our house called Sushi@Sushi. It's nice and cozy, the people know us, and it's never extremely packed. We ordered rolls on rolls and talked. It was nice. :) I ended up getting a sweet tooth afterwards (don't I always) so I yelped around for a good dessert place. We ended up at a nitrogen (N2) infused creamery. GUYS... this stuff is SO good. It's like the richness of ice cream with the consistency of gelato. He got cookies & cream and I got snickerdoodle crunch and they were both deliciousssss. It's a must try forsure. We had such a fun night. I live for moment like this- when we roll in jeans & j's and pretend we're barely dating again. :)

Sunday FunDay: La Palma Dog Park
Well, hello there! A new dog park not too far from home! :) Believe or not, this was actually Lorenzo's idea. (Babe, don't kill me for outing you!) His co-worker doesn't live too far from us and they heard about this new park opening up and thought our dogs should meet. (It's weird, I know. I'm new to the whole "dog play date" thing, but talked to trainers, and they've said dog socialization is good for their health and mental well being... soooo dog play dates, here we come! hahaha.) It's been open for almost two weeks now, and it's pretty decent. There's a few cons about the place (I'm not gonna go into it but you can read it here), but as long as Lorenzo is with me, I'm fine with making this a Sunday FunDay thing.

So that's what I've been up to. Hopefully I didn't bore you. :)

Actually, this is just the beginning of the chaos, so I apologize in advance for the sparse posting. I don't have the best camera either (I have an iPhone 5s), but it's the memories that count right?

So take pictures, capture moments, and make it count. :)
-Gardenia Rose

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