Spring Highs & Lows.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Last week, I went to lunch with Cea (aka Camille) and among our topic of conversations, she brought up that I hadn't been blogging lately. (My last blog was on May 6th!) So I figure I'd write a bit about what I've been up to. A lot has been happening... but more in my brain. But then a lot has happened irl too. Anyway, let's just get to it.


So... May. May was hectic, in a good way though. My sister and her family from Texas came to stay and we had SO much fun. She graduated with her Masters in Education from Vanguard University. To be honest, I have no idea how she tackled school with three kids (all 8 and under) and a husband who worked night shifts. But if I ever knew superwoman in the flesh, it'd be her.

It was so nice to have them here for a few weeks. We got to hang out, exercise together, cook together, and chill together. So that was great! I missed her kids so much! My chickadees! :) I'm their only aunt by blood so I do my best of being there for them. I FaceTime every other week at the least so they can tell me about their day and see Simba (they love him!), but it obviously does not compare to seeing their lovely faces and being with them.

One major thing we did when they were here was throw Zion a Frozen themed surprise birthday party. Being her godmother & her aunt (and a bit of a Disney fiend), I knew we had to help make it special. I went a little Pinterest crazy. I printed Frozen word searches, coloring pages, and mazes. I made 3D paper snowflakes to hang from the ceiling. We played make an Olaf, used white pomspoms for "snowball" tosses, and did pin the carrot on Olaf's nose. Yeah, THAT crazy. I even bought her the Disney dress and crown. (I also bought her baby sister an outfit to match so she also feels special.) But to see her smile was literally worth all my psycho-ness leading up to it. I just wanted it to be the best. I wanted her to remember that. At six, you start remembering things that happen to you and if they're vivid enough, they last a lifetime. So I stressed a little, but it was worth it.


On their last day, we just hung out for the evening. Nothing fancy, just talking while she packed, little things like that. We hung out until midnight and when it was time to leave, I kissed all the kids on the head and told them that I love them. I hugged my sister's husband and thanked him for everything and told him how great he was to my sister, while my sister was saying the same to mine. (We both know that we're a little intense so we both know how important it is that our husbands are blessed with patience.) Then it came time to hug my sister. This part is NEVER easy. We've got it down to the science that we shouldn't hug long or our faces will turn into waterfalls. The moment I got in the car though, I almost lost it. Lorenzo just hugged me until I fell asleep on the ride home. It's never easy separating with my sister. After all, she is my sister.


After my sister and her family left... I started going into a low. Slowly, but consistently. I was just really sad. The bad thing about negativity is that it builds. I was unhappy. I stopped working out. I started gaining weight. I stopped going to church. I was harboring anger towards other people. It was just all around bad. And like anything bad, it creeps up until you blow. And last week, that's exactly what happened.

Then and there, I told myself, I need to take a step back and just be happy.

So June 10th was the beginning of that. Since that day, I went on a sushi date with Cea, went out in Newport Beach with Amelia, spent quality time with Lorenzo, his family, and my parents, (separately and together), and now blogging. (because it makes me happy!) I have plans this weekend to go out with Cea and Jea, and some family time for Father's day after church. I'm going to start my workout regime again and focus more. Gotta keep living the mantra:

Always evolve. Always progress. Choose life. Choose happiness.

Learning from the valleys of life,
Gardenia Rose

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