Q&A Tuesday: Why Blog?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

People always ask me why I do it. I definitely don't get paid to do it in any way shape or form, but it takes time out of my day. So it's always a question: Why blog?

My answer is simple. Because I love to do it.

From xanga blogs and myspace bulletins (remember those?), to tumblr posts and twitter tweets, I've always loved the idea of writing my thoughts down. I love the idea of having your thoughts down on something that can't be erased, or thrown away. But obviously, there's cons to that.

There was a time when some posts/tweets were more of rants than blogs. I would rant and rave, having this I-do-what-I-want attitude. (Oh boy.) And it was not healthy. As I've grown up from those teen years (and rebellious early 20's, yes that's a real stage), I see how that negative energy can literally s u c k the life out of you. So I've learned to distance myself from it.

Over time, I've come through the other side of that. (Sometimes, yes, I still slip, but I do try to keep myself in check... and when I don't, Lorenzo does and he's pretty good about that when he catches it.) In this whole journey of trying to be the best version of myself, I've come to find that putting the negative (judgy) energy out there is not going to reel in the positive vibes. Easier to say & harder to do, I know, but as long as your best is your best, it's all one can ask for.

Stay happy,
-Gardenia Rose

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