Blogger's Block.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I have a blogger's block.

For the past two weeks I've literally been writing drafts on drafts on drafts. And then, when I'm halfway, I go through thoughts like... do people even want to read this? do I want it (it being my emotions, thoughts, & feelings) out there? why am I even writing this? and the list goes on. Then I just stop typing or even worse, just delete the whole thing altogether.

I don't know what's with me. A lot internally, I guess. So, in the old school "tumblr" version of myself... I'm just gonna let it out there. (Down the rabbit hole I go...)

I stopped working out... again. (Ugh, I know. I'm annoyed at myself.) I have such a struggle keeping up a routine. I'm trying to get myself out of this rut, but ever since the weather changed, I'm even more tired than I use to be. I tried running after work, but then couldn't because it got too hot. Excuse after excuse, I let myself go a little and gained 5-6 pounds back. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but when you've previously lost 20 pounds and then you gain 25% back... it's a little of a let down.

Then recently, I got sick. Like high fever, chills in the middle of the night, body aches that I can't move kind of sick. In the middle of summer. I know. Needless to say, it was not fun. And of course, like a snowball effect, I got all sad. For a lot of random, unimportant, and frankly, dumb things. but that was me. ALL. OVER. AGAIN.

I tell myself I need to get out of this rut. I need to do something. I need to (insert here)... but I don't. I don't feel pretty. I don't feel happy. I just don't. (Negative Nancy, I know.)

Then I remembered something I saw (I forget where, but probably Pinterest or Instagram)...

"Worry less. Focus more."

Once again, it's one of those easier said than done mantras... but it can be done. And every time I become out of focus, I will do my best to reel back it in. I have so many things I still want to do in life. I have so many goals yet to achieve. I got so caught up in life, and so focused on the negative that I forgot to be positive! (What a epiphany!)

With the blogger's block I've been having, I get so worried and I get caught up thinking about if it's good enough, or is it too vulnerable, or whatever the case may be. But what I need to do is to push through the negativity and darkness, and press on until I see the light.

So that's what I'm going to do. Not try. But do. (Mind over matter.)
-Gardenia Rose

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