Better than Yesterday.

Friday, July 24, 2015

In my last "open book diary" blog about a week and a half ago, I was determined to be more positive. Have more focus. Be a better version of myself. So I actively did that.

Physically... I started working out again. I did home workouts (blogilates & Jillian Michael's), jogged with Simba, did good old mat workouts, and even swam laps! I know that this sounds like bragging, but I promise it's really not about that. I really believe that being happy with yourself comes from within, and exercise really helps with that peace of mind. (Plus ENDORPHINS!) S/O to Sam for the major encouragement on physical fitness.

Mentally... I started actively placing myself in a good mental space. I said things in my head like... "Today is going to be a great day. You're going to be happy. Whatever goes wrong, it's going to be okay." Just little things like that. And it actually helped. I actively got rid of the negative thoughts that entered my head (which is legit work) and I just made a CHOICE to be positive. Even down to tweeting positive things. I don't wanna over do it and shove my positivity in people's faces, but when I tweet, I try to stay happy. I don't need to throw more negative energy out there. There's enough of that.

Spiritually... More than reading a couple verses in the bible, I'm starting to delve deeper. It's still a process, but I'm getting there. I also started listening to the preachings of Joyce Meyer while I'm at work. Her website has daily videos that are about 30 minutes long. Especially if I wake up grumpy, I listen to her on my way to work. I honestly never thought I'd be one of those people that liked audio preachings, but the way she preaches, it just speaks to me. (insert emoji praise hands here)

Emotionally... Being such an emotional person, I have major & sensitive buttons. Mostly with my parents and my husband, but like they say, it's the people you care about the most that have the most power to affect you. When things are not 100% between Lorenzo and I, it starts to eat at me. So in being more emotionally aware, I try to go to him, lovingly and respectfully, and let him know how I'm feeling. Cuz chances are... he has no clue. (Boys are like that.) We're improving our communication and that reeeeally helps to be better with my emotions. (Basically, so that I'm not a crazy person.) Being open with how I feel really helps us build and stay a happy home and that's what it's about. :)

So there you have it! I'm focusing more on being a better me, full of positive vibes and a thankful heart. One thing I learned this from Joyce Meyer is that God focuses on the good in us. He's not like "Oh she messed up so I'm not going to love her today." He's not like that. He focuses on the progress, and you should too.

In the spirit of #FlashbackFriday, I leave you with this song from my late teens called "Up and Up" by Relient K. 

Happy Friday loves. Stay blessed. :)
-Gardenia Rose

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