Mind + Soul + Body.

Monday, August 08, 2016

Hi guys, it's Music Monday! And yes, I'm back!

I haven't been in the zone to blog much (womp, I know), but I have like ten unfinished thoughts sitting in my drafts right now. It's just a matter of getting back into it right?

Anyway, if you didn't know, Lorenzo and I just celebrated three years of marriage. (whoo hoo!) And counting dating years, that totals to six years! We actually got married on the 3-year anniversary of our first date. It makes counting easy for us as a whole so why not right?! This year I wanted to give something that was more than a materialistic something. Not to say that meaningful tokens are not appreciated, but I just wanted to do something completely different... so I decided to write him a song. I've never written a love song before. Well, not like this anyway. (You'll know what I mean when you listen to it.) It's very... intimate and personal. 

I started writing it back in June. Laying down the beat and the vibe are probably the hardest parts for me. That alone took a month.  I wanted that chill-riding-with-the-waves type of vibe. Thanks to GarageBand on my trusty iPad, I'm learning how to do all to make beats and the music as I go. There was a lot of tweaking that happened before I could even come up with a line.

A month later, I started writing the lyrics. I had a verse and a portion of the chorus... for weeks. I was like oh no! writer's block! ...but really it was. Sooner or later it was August and I was like... I gotta get this donnneeeee. So I sat in the corner of my couch, headphones in course (why spoil the surprise?), and listened to the beat over and over. And still... nothing. Still determined, I got an idea... use a pen and paper versus your iPad to write. At first, I was just doodling. But doodles turn into words, words turned into phrases, and in less than half an hour I had the whole song. I let two people hear it (and that part is always nerve-wracking), but they gave me good advice, and helped make some adjustments. After a few more slight changes and finalizing the beats and the outro, I was officially done. 

So here it is! I hope you guys like it. :) This is of course dedicated to my awesome husband. Thank you for always loving me no matter what. ❤️

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