Feel Good Friday: May 2019.

Friday, May 31, 2019

It's the last day of the month, it's Friday, and I'm trying to get back into this blogging thing (even if not many read it lol) so why not?!

I started Feel Good Friday posts about three years ago (check out the first one here!) and it's basically a list of what you're thankful for that week or month, big or small. I remember doing these lists really helped me stay a positive head space and who could use more of that? *insert woman raising hand emoji here* So let's get started with this list, shall we?!
  • I'm back to blogging! I'm a little rusty, but I'm slowly getting into it. My sister-friend, Jeanna, started her blogging journey as a new mom (please check her out and subscribe!) and I thought to myself why did I ever stop blogging? I don't really know why, but I do know that not having a creative outlet for me really affects my happiness. I went through a really rough transition in my life a few years ago and that really allowed negativity to encompass me. It took so much to get out of that and now that I am, I never want to go back. I'm literally OVERJOYED to be back in ~good vibes~ and I'm super thankful for it.
  • I celebrated one year at my new job! I finally found where I'm suppose to be (which took awhile, but alas! I'm here haha. (that was dramatic, but you get it lol.) I've learned a lot and I'm so happy about that I wrote about it! I work with some of the BEST people and I love the environment I'm in. I appreciate the trust and autonomy that upper management gives me and I'm embracing it all. 
  • I hit 1.4k on my food instagram! I know that's not much in the "influencer world" but I appreciate the love. :) I really do love food! (I legitimately have a happy dance when really good food arrives to my table lol.) I think a lot of it has to do with my family, upbringing, and culture. Now that pretty and yummy food is a trend, I love being a part of it all! It's fun to see new creations and combinations the food space comes out with! So shameless plug right here... if you don't follow my food IG, check it out!
I just realized I got real heavy on my exclamation points, but you get the picture lol. I'm thankful, I'm happy, and that's a good place to be.

Stay thankful, my friends... (in the dos equis guy voice lol)
-Gardenia Rose

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