Pushing My Buttons, Piercing My Heart.

Sunday, November 02, 2014

I really don't like getting told what to do. I mean, no does right? For me, I already know it's because I'm humanly stubborn that I just don't wanna hear it. Sometimes though, my buttons get all greased up and are easier to push than usual. My fuse is as short as a toothpick. My patience is lost in Neverland and I'm too old to go and get it back. And I snap. 

But one day, I come across this verse and it hits me hard.

Oh. snap.

Realization? I sin when I let anger control me. I sin when I think I have the right to be mad because "I'm entitled to feel what I feel" and therefore "I say what I wanna say." I sin when I feel like I have the right to be offended by something that is out of my control because I let it get to me. I let it ruin my day. I let it take over how I'm feeling. I let it control me. 

I guess, the lesson is... things happen. you don't have control over that. However, you do have control in how you react to it and how you feel about it. Reactions and feelings are a choice.

The second part of the verse basically tells you to think first and shut your mouth for awhile. Yes, it tells you to shut it. Don't allow your anger to word vomit things that can be hurtful or words that you don't really mean.

Despite the initial feeling, make up your mind to not let it take over your soul. Don't let it envelope you in negativity and cause you to say mean and rude things (because you're entitled to how you feel so you say what you wanna say).

God has given us self-control. We have the ability to have self-control. We have God-given self-control that can inhibit our (and specfically my) buttons from being pushed, should we choose to use it.

Choose not to be angry. Choose to think about it. Choose to remain silent. Choose not to sin. #notetoself

-Gardenia Rose

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