Weekly Obsessions Wednesday: Thanksgiving Edition.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Since it's Thanksgiving tomorrow, instead of making a birthday post, I decided to make this week's #WOW about the ones I am thankful for. :)

My Family
They're amazing. When I say family... I mean my parents, my sister and her family, my husband's parents, and his sisters and brothers. That's my family. I love them. We might be crazy sometimes. We may not always see eye to eye or share the same perspective, but I love them so much. I'm so thankful to have both parents who fully supports Lorenzo and I. I'm thankful my sister and my brother (I don't really like the whole in-law thing), whom (who?) I can always count on when I need advice or just a listening ear. I'm thankful for their three little munchkins, whose smiles give me life. I'm thankful for my brothers and sisters who make me feel so short, but make me feel so loved. I feel so blessed to have them.

My Friends
Friends turned sisters, high school friends, and new found friends. I'm thankful for all of them. It's amazing to have these people in my life. I may not speak or see these people all the time, but these relationships stand the test of time. I think the best friendships are the honest ones, the weird (but in a good way) ones, and loving ones. The kind the doesn't tear each other apart, but build each other up. The kind that can be genuinely happy for another people's happiness. Where honesty is the best policy and all bluntness is said in love and not in attempt to scar another. I'm thankful for these friendships. I thank God for putting these people in my life.

My Mentors
Dawn and Christine to most people, but I just call them Dawnie and Ate Tin. Besides my one and only blood sister, these two ladies poured into my life and for that, I am for ever grateful for them. They have watched me grow up before their own eyes and tried to guide me in the best they could, in the most loving way they can. I still made mistakes, but they loved me anyway. They weren't afraid to ask me the hard questions, especially the awkward ones. I wasn't afraid to answer them (for the most part) because I knew with whatever I said, I knew they'd still be here for me. As I get older, I pray I grow to be more like them... selfless, loving, nurturing, and God-fearing. They're such amazing ladies and I'm truly blessed to more than just have them in my life, but to call them my mentors and to call them my surrogate sisters.

My Little Simba
First off, I never thought I'd be one of those people that are SO in love with their dog, but I am and I'm so not ashamed of it. He's my little furball of happiness. He drives me absolutely nuts sometimes, but I love him so much! When Lorenzo is out for work trips, he's my little buddy at home and I'm so happy that I'm not alone. I wasn't gonna show pictures this time around, but he's too cute not to!

Photo Credit: Cea Evangelista

My Husband
I'm so thankful for this guy. We've only been married for a little over a year, but I am extremely blessed to have him. He makes me laugh when I'm grumpy. He holds me when I cry. (literally. like a child.) He puts me in my place when I need to be corrected. He works extremely hard to give our little fam the life he wants us to have. I can always count on him to be there for me. He's just so amazing. I won't go on, because I really could do this forever. I'm just really happy to marry my best friend and share life with him. :)

and that wraps up this week's #WOW! Have a great thanksgiving everyone!
-Gardenia Rose

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