Things to Leave Behind in 2014.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

As the year is coming to a close, there's a few things I'd like to leave (if I haven't already) in this year and not bring into 2015. There's no need for it. It doesn't make anyone's life better. No one benefits from it.

Trolling. This needs to stop. Anonymous hateful comments. Snark remarks. Cynical sayings. Trying to cover it up and soften the blow with a "that's none of my business" meme of Kermit... when that's exactly what it is. None of your business. So if it's not nice or if it's ill-intended, just keep it to yourself. We don't need that in this world. We have bigger problems.
Subtweeting. Same as above. It needs to end. I must admit, I too have been guilty as charged when it comes to this, but I'm doing my best not to even post or say something that isn't beneficiary to life, whether mine or someone else's. As we all say, #TheStruggle, and yes I know all about it, but let's think before we tweet. "If it ain't cute, put it on mute."

Negative Self-Talk. "I'm not good enough. I'm not going anywhere." ... stop. You are more than enough. No one but ourselves become damaged and depressed from thinking and saying these things. We need to realize that in order for our lives to positive, we need to start within ourselves. We have to make a choice (sounds familiar?) to be positive and choose happiness. Some days are easier than others, but we can all make it through.

Shaming. Body-shaming. Fat-shaming. Food-shaming. (Insert here)-shaming. Nobody likes feeling bad for something. No one likes to feel bad for anything. But I also know it's not always easy to get along with everyone, no matter how hard we try. So instead, let's just be a little more polite towards one another. And if you need to say something about it, be constructive and be gentle with your words. Everyone is going through something. People just need a positive light and a helping hand, not a negative remark and a stab in the heart.

Stay positive, my friends.
-Gardenia Rose

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