Wisdom Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I'm switching it up from the regular #WOW and posting a little #WisdomWednesday well because... I need a little encouragement in life right now. Some days are better than others, and today, tbh, it's a little bit harder to be happy. I'm doing my best to choose to only have positive thoughts and my best is all I can do... right?

Well, if you know me, I'm all about quotes that moti you to be your be yourself and to be your best self. (I even have a Pinterest board full of them.) I occasionally use instagram and twitter as my #NoteToSelf, but I figure it wouldn't hurt to leave them here too. And if this helps me, maybe it'll help someone else. So here's my encouragement for the week.

Stay positive my friends. xoxo.
-Gardenia Rose

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