Q&A Tuesday: The High School Edition Part Two.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I've known Luis since I was the 9th grade. We had geometry class together. We became best friends in 2007 and though us and life have changed, we still remain close friends.

I asked him if there was a question that he wanted me to answer. He told he had one, but I had to take time to think about it... like really think about it. So I said would, and he asked:

What is your greatest fear?

As promised I thought about it. What am I actually afraid of? What can actually bring me to my knees, make me cry my eyes out, and be so scared that I couldn't function? Then one thing came to mind... my family.

More than being afraid of the dark, I'm scared of being alone. Not in that don't-let-me-go-don't-leave-me kind of way, but in a more serious sense. I'm afraid of losing Lorenzo. I'm afraid of my parents dying. I know that sounds cliche, but it's true. I get those dreams that something terrible happens to Lorenzo and I literally have to hold him when I wake up for a long time so I feel okay. So I know it's not real. That's one of my greatest fears.

My personal greatest fear... is living a life without legacy. Not in a financial sense (but hey, that wouldn't be so bad), but I fear of passing on before I've done something worthwhile. I want to make sure I've made a difference in this world and a difference for the better. I get so scared sometimes when I live my life just for myself. It's self-absorbing of me and I have to smack myself out of it. I want to live for more than just me. I want to be here for Lorenzo, my parents, and my whole family. I want (and like) to help at my church and be there when they need me.

So there you have it. My two greatest fears. So real, but conquerable. Some days are better than others, but all I can do is stay positive and keep moving forward.

-Gardenia Rose

"To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death." -Taylor Swift

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