Q&A Tuesday: The High School Edition.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Remember when formspring was in? You can ask whoever you wanted, whatever you wanted. Say anonymously or randomly process your secret love to someone? (hey, it happens.) I wanted to start asking friends if they had any anything to ask me and, of course, I'd have to answer. It didn't have to be philosophical or profound, it just had to be a question.

A few days ago, I started asking my high school friends if they had anything they'd want to ask.

I've known Gigi (Angelica) since my freshman year, but we didn't get close until my junior year in high school. We have one of those rare social media friendships, where we see each other once or twice a year, but when we talk, it's like 2006 again & we're just in the choir room (yes, choir room) having all sorts of weird fun. She asked me:

How many children do you hope to have?

Children? Oh goodness. Don't let Lorenzo hear that. He'll trip and get all paranoid. lol. I, on the other hand, am cool with idea. JUST the idea. To actually have children right now? I'd be lying if I didn't say I would be completely T E R R I F I E D.

When I was in high school, I wanted seven kids. Yup, SEVEN. (Cue the emoji with the big eyes and people spitting drinks out of their mouths.) I know, I was crazy. Then, it went down to wanting four children. Thinking to myself, I thought four was a good number... then I met Lorenzo.

He's the oldest of four so seeing age differences and craziness of it all (not that his siblings are crazy); having four was a lot to handle. In the back of my head I still wanted four, but I figure I can settle for three kids. Three children. That's a good number... Then Lorenzo and I got engaged.

When you get engaged, after all the ooh's and aah's semi-fade away, you start thinking... When's the wedding going to be? Where are we going to live? What's that going to be like?... and among the one million other questions, you ask... How many kids are we going to have?

One day Lorenzo and I sat down to talk about (dun, dun, DUUUUN)... our future. This was one of the few heavily debated topics (and sometimes it slightly still is...) because, needless to say, there was a problem. I wanted four and well, he wanted none. That's right. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

For a woman (a woman who wants to have kids anyway), that's a hard pill to swallow. (Let's not even talk about how cute our Blasian American babies will look. lol. jk... but seriously.) We had to talk about it. Why he didn't want any. Why I did. All the reasons why we should and should not have children. I ended up telling him that I at least wanted one. One child that was ours. I wanted to have his children... I really did, but if he's not up for it... I really would just like one.

After a lot of silence... he said okay. (Thank God!) I was already so happy.. but he continued. He said that if we were going to have a kid, we can't have just one... we have to have two. And i was like... whaat? Then, he explained. He talked about being the eldest and how lonely it can get. (I'm the youngest so I wouldn't know anything about that.) He wanted our child to have someone - to hate, to love, to mess with, to whatever, but just someone. As if it was still possible to fall in love with him, at that moment I did. I thought I was being selfless to only want one... but for him to completely be selfless and say it's best we have two was well... amazing.

So, there you have it. Two. That's how many kids I hope to have.

Any questions? ;)
-Gardenia Rose

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