Love is... patient.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

I'm known to have patience the size of a chia seed. If you know small a chia seed is, you'd know it's exactly that... small. I have (or should I say had?) known to go from zero to 100 real quick. too quick actually. But in this whole journey of trying to become the best version that I can be, I'm trying to grow my patience. So, with that said, I asked God for patience.

The funny thing about God is that when you ask him for something, he doesn't just give it to you and you magically have it. Requesting from God is not a fool-proof spell that instantly comes true the moment we ask for it. Since we have the gift of free will, God gives you opportunities to be the thing you ask for. And God has given me A LOT of opportunities lately.

In work, at home, with friends, with life, God is giving me opportunities to grow and nuture my patience. Sometimes, I succeed and sometimes I fail, but I try. The amazing this is, I'm noticing that God is allowing for growth to occur and it's really drawing me closer to Him.

For me not to admit that I still lose my cool, would be omitting the truth, because sometimes, I do. Then I see myself and the person I chose to become at that moment because of my actions and I do my best to correct that or just nip it altogether. Some days are easier than others. Some days, it takes slow breaths and listening to worship music. But I really do my best to try.. and that's best we can do right?

"...Be patient with everyone." -1 Thessalonians 5:14 (NLT)

Pursuing patience,
-Gardenia Rose

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